I want to go to the school

Open days        Enrolment        Trial week        Pricelist


Come visit us

Even though our next Open Days won't take place until next school year, that doesn't mean you can't come to see our school. Make an appointment to meet with us individually, where we will introduce our educational programme to you and answer any questions you may have. Contact details can be found here.

Those interested in enroling in the first grade

Enrolment for first grade for the 2024/2025 school year is now closed. If you are still interested in a place in the first grade, then please contact the school office ahoj@skolasquare.cz.

If you are interested in the 2025/2026 school year, you can fill out the online "non-binding application" form. We will inform you well in advance of the details of the registration launch.

Frequently asked questions:

What do we expect from children?

Since they are children, we expect everything from eagerness to little nervousness. From us, they can expect peace, smile, pleasant atmosphere and enrolment that will entertain them. In between, we will find out everything what we need without children noticing it. So you don’t need to be afraid of testing, stress or examination. We want the children to enjoy the time in Square so that they cannot wait for their first school day.

How many pupils do we enrol to the 1st grade?

Each class in Square has maximum 20 pupils. So we enrol 20 children to the 1st grade. In 2022, 120 applicants were registered for the enrolment.

What do you need for the enrolment?

Definitely we will need documents – ID or passport (in case of foreigners) of one of the legal guardians, and the child’s birth certificate. For the enrolment, we will also need the filled in Application for enrolment of a child – downloadable HERE (or above on this page). 

What are the criteria for admission?

When deciding about a child’s admission, we consider

1. The condition for enrollment is the child's presence at registration.
2. During registration, children earn points that determine the order of selection for the first grade:
            a) Demonstrated compatibility with the school's educational program.
            b) School readiness.
            c) A sibling attending Square Elementary School.
            d) Previous attendance at Bambíno Kindergarten (at least the entire preschool year).
3. In the event of a tie in point scores, the order will be determined by a lottery.

How will you learn if the child is admitted?

The list of admitted pupils will be published at the school entrance and on the website. You will be informed directly and finally we will elaborate a written decision on admission (so that you have it with a round stamp). We will admit 20 children to the 1st grade for the school year 2023/2024.

Are you considering a transfer? Try Square for free for a week and compare your experience. 

We currently have several spaces left in the first, sixth, and ninth grades. Please fill in and submit all necessary data. We will contact you in a short time with the offered date, in the amount of a maximum of 3 trial school days.

  • What grade do you want to try
  • 1st grade
  • 2nd grade
  • 3rd grade
  • 4th grade
  • 5th grade
  • 6th grade
  • 7th grade
  • 8th grade
  • 9th grade


How much does it cost?

Basic school fee

Price per year of study in our school is CZK 203,000.
Price per half-year is CZK 108,500.
Price per month is CZK 23,200.

It includes all educational supplies, books, excursions, short out-of-school events, work of a psychologist and a special pedagogue. Sibling discount on the school fee is 5%.

Enrolment fee

One-off administrative fee after enrolment to Square is CZK 10,000. 

Afterclub fee

The cost of the club is CZK 18,000 for the school year.
It includes a program for children from 7.30 AM to 8.30 AM and from 2 / 3 PM to 6 PM. 

Základní škola a gymnázium Square
Svatoslavova 6, Praha 4 – Nusle